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Ballymoney Post Office (Postal Service in Ballymoney)

Contact and other information about the company Ballymoney Post Office in Ballymoney, County Antrim, United Kingdom

Ballymoney Post Office contacts:

Ballymoney, County Antrim, United Kingdom

11a Linen Hall Street, Ballymoney, County Antrim BT53 6DP

02827 666652

02827 664684

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Ballymoney Post Office opening times:

Sun: Closed

Mon: 11:00am - 6:00pm

Tue: 9:00am - 7:00pm

Wed: 11:00am - 6:00pm

Thu: 11:00am - 6:00pm

Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Sat: Closed

Opening hours of the "Ballymoney Post Office" is given for informational purposes and may differ from the actual, you can specify the time by phone 02827 666652

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About "Ballymoney Post Office":

You can call the company by phone Ballymoney Post Office 02827 666652 or send a fax to 02827 664684. On this page you can see all detailed information about the "Ballymoney Post Office". "Ballymoney Post Office" is located in Ballymoney. Ballymoney Post Office described in the category Postal Service. For a letter, use the address 11a Linen Hall Street, Ballymoney, County Antrim BT53 6DP, Ballymoney, COUNTY-ANTRIM BT53 6DP

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The nearest "Ballymoney Post Office" Postal Service in County Antrim, UK